
Your ChargeLite™ Questions Answered

Kay Tilbury

Kay Tilbury

Our Storage & Charging range supports many sectors with their device management, and as the demand for accessible technology continues to grow, our solutions also evolve alongside these needs.

Most recently, we announced the exciting rebrand of our popular ClassBuddy™ range, introducing its new name as ChargeLite™. Here, we ask our Marketing Director, Denise Crouch, the key questions surrounding the rebrand:

What inspired the name change?

The new name comes after its continuous evolvement into other sectors. Whilst it remains extremely popular across educational organisations, in recent years we have seen a rising demand for this range across other sectors such as retail, hospitality, offices, and the public sectors. So, as the range continues to expand into these areas, a more universal name is needed.

Has anything else in this range changed?

The range remains the same, consisting of three trolley solutions, a desk and wall unit, and a standalone locker.”

How has the response been towards the rebrand?

“We announced the rebrand in December 2023 and launched the rebrand at Bett UK in January 2024, the response we had from the show was exactly what we hoped for. New and existing customers visited our stand, and each one of them showed a positive interest in the range. Throughout the year, we’ll also be showcasing the range across many more exhibitions.”

Will there be any price changes?

“The rebrand has not affected the price of the range, the current price remains in place.”

Does the name change impact the ClassBuddy™ warranty?

“No, your product has a lifetime warranty, and the name change will not invalidate your warranty.”

Will you continue to support ClassBuddy™ products?

“Yes 100%. We will continue to support your ClassBuddy™ product and the name change will not impact this. You may still find the ClassBuddy™ name still featured across some of our business partner's websites, this is because they’re still in the process of updating the information, however, this will change in due course.”

Want to find out more?

If you have more questions, please contact, Account Manager Michelle Knox at Alternatively, you can use the Contact Form.

Visit our Exhibitions page for upcoming events, these are fantastic opportunities to meet our friendly team, discuss your requirements, and watch demonstrations.

If you’re a reseller If you resell our product as one of our Business Partners there is no change except we have issued new product codes.

Find out more by contacting Account Manager Michelle Knox at